Sunday, April 29, 2007


hehe.. wolves.. i love the arctic

Broken airplane

Oops. Good job getting down safely like that.

It's actually so the mechanics, engineers and body guys can work in a heated room. Looks funny to me though.

Patched up enough to get to the hangar.

And it flys!

Hey, that's not a hangar.

It actually fit in the snow plow bay which made for a much warmer day for the engineer.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Wolf butts

The only wolf pictures so far. Do you think they're trying to tell me something?

Friday, April 20, 2007

What happens when a group of Canadian young adults are working in the high arctic after a storm?

Kelly on the roof

Me on the roof

Kelly sliding

Yahoo! My turn!

The front door to the old building after the blizzard.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Sunday's storm

The peak gust for the storm was 48 knots or 89 km/h. My friend Kelly was on shift at the time and she even managed to get her balloon launched in that. Go Kelly!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

A Blustery Day

My first night shift is over and boy am I happy about that. Shortly after I came on shift the pressure dropped and the temperature rose to a balmy -18 degrees Celcius. (Insert dramatic theme here) We have a full blown wind storm going on now. My peak gust was 41 knots (76kM/h) If I was piglet and had a new sweater Pooh would be flying the me kite right about now.


Saturday, April 07, 2007

Eureka bound

Here we go again. I left Edmonton at 0600 on Tuesday for the airport. After the usual hassles at security the first part of the trip was underway. A 737 got me to Yellowknife at 1045. I checked in at the hotel and did the normal touristy stuff while waiting for the charter to leave Wednesday at 0800.

Ok, so, wheels up at 0800, be at the hanger by 0700 turned out to be a slight exaggeration. It was closer to wheels up at 1500 but that's pretty good for northern travel. The Dornier was loaded, all 5 passengers were there and away we went.

The first leg was 3 hours to Cambridge Bay for fuel.

Cambridge Bay Airport

the next leg was 2 hours to Resolute bay to drop off a dog, some supplies and to pick up 2 more people.

Resolute Bay Airport

This guy is inside the Resolute Bay Airport

Back on the plane for the last 2 hours to Eureka.

It's the right Island.

Almost there!

We landed at about 2230 MDT. It's good to be back.