Friday, July 28, 2006

My very first iceberg. They float by all summer. There's a bigger one that might come by later.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Midnight sun. I took this picture last week on a night shift at about 0035. It's not even thinking about getting dark yet.

Some of the cutting edge technology we use here. Note the dot matrix printer and the cassette drive. It may be antique but it works. The little brownish box at the top left is a datalogger. It records information from the sensors we have outside on the amount of radiation we get from the sun.

Bye bunny rabbit. OK.. so just for Rai, baby artic hares are apparently called leverets. However, being a girl I call them bunnies and as an added bonus I get a dirty look from the boss when I call them bunnies... hehehe

Not quiet enough. He's on to me.

Shhhh.. be vewy vewy quiet.. I'm hunting wabbits!

Here's a blurry picture of a fox

Someone left a comment asking about the real bugs here. They're no fun. If there's a bit of wind it's no problem but once the temperature goes above about 6 degrees celcius and the wind dies down they come out in force. I havn't seen too many black flies yet, the mosquitos seem to be winning. The other day I had one on each sholder trying to pull me off the quad.. good thing I was holding on!

Rai gets a photo credit for the pic of me in the mosquito hat.. Thanks Rai!

Thursday, July 20, 2006


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Top: what we did while the wolves were sleeping.

Bottom: Eureka mosquito.

Wolf pics: When we first got out to the wolves a couple came past fairly close. Maybe 20 feet. After they settled down from checking out the new arrivals the adults had a little nap, wolves seem to do that alot. We even got to hear the whole pack howl for about a minute.
hehe.. wolves

Wolf Scientists

This is me with Dave, Ted, Nancy and 'Neil. These are the people who came to the station to study the wolves. I was lucky enough to accompany them for a couple of hours yesterday. It was one of the most amazing things I have ever done. In case you read this.. thank you all.

This is Edgar. He's a juvenile raven that the wolf scientists found hanging around the wolf pack. He likes quads and people. He really likes left over saussage, feta cheese and gummy bears. From his behavior and attraction to people he must have been raised by humans somewhere. The question is.. where.. there's no one else out here.. hmmm. A couple of days ago they showed Edgar the weather station so it looks like we have a new mascot.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Thursday was my day off and led to a little exploring. Yay quads! We found some more rose rocks and a big chunk of petrified wood. On the way back to the station we stopped at the dump to see if there was anything worth taking a picture of. There was. hehe.. wolves.

Monday, July 03, 2006

Two people I owe giant thank yous to are Paul for taking the pics and Mike for joining me in the ice water.

more polar dip pics

top:man that was cold

middle: who's idea was this anyway??

bottom: dry colthes this way

And so it begins...

This is us.. the few, the brave, the what were we thinking?!?!

1 July 2006, Canada Day, the annual Eureka Polar Bear Dip.